About Me
Clayton Doss
I want to start this little note off by saying I am a Christian first and foremost. A mechanic was asked by a stranger one time “ what is your occupation?” to which the mechanic replied “I’m a full time Christian, and a mechanic on the side”. My number one passion in life is living for the one that died for me, and leading others to the one that died for them as well. Romans 5:8 says “but God commendeth his love towards us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us”. None of us are worthy of his grace, or it would not be grace, but he didn’t ask us to come worthy, he asked us to come with a humble heart; and put our trust in him, Mathew 23:12 says” And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted” . There is not a more exalted position than to be a child of the King, and according to the Bible we are adopted by God the Father when we believe(trust) on Jesus Christ. John 1:12 says “But as many as received him(Jesus Christ), to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even them which believe on his name. Now, having told you my main occupation let me tell you what I do on the side. I started woodworking five years ago, and I immediately fell in love with it. At the start of February, 2019 I sought counsel from several people I trusted on starting a cabinet business: all of them believed it would be a great opportunity for me to make a living while doing what I love. I could never thank all of them enough for their help and support. A business to me is more than making money. It's building trust by giving the customer what they pay for. I often hear people talk about what businesses used to be like--that you could simply “shake on it” and make a deal. I know those are days gone by but I do want to build a business that people can trust. A business that delivers exactly what the client wants and pays for. We will be offering a variety of prefabricated cabinets, as well as custom cabinets. We will also be offering a complimentary 3D design and estimate for all your cabinet needs. We hope to receive your business, and by doing so, to also build a trusted and long term relationship.